14 Nov The Benefits of Toy Rotation for Dogs
It's a good idea to rotate your dog's toys to prevent boredom....
It's a good idea to rotate your dog's toys to prevent boredom....
Jesse has written a great article about the best dog costumes, check it out here: https://yourdogadvisor.com/best-dog-costumes/...
Ferenc has written a great article about how to travel with Pets, check it out here: https://overlandsite.com/overlanding/how-to-travel-with-pets/...
Carmen has written a great article about keeping dogs safe in the car, check it out here: https://sellmax.com/pet-safety-in-the-car/ ...
I get asked quite frequently about rewards for dogs while in training. This is an interesting question as often it will depend on what your dog finds rewarding, this usually falls into three categories: Food reward, Toy reward or Praise reward. Food reward - best used if...
Halloween is upon us again and it’s time to start getting strategic about costumes. There are the kids’ costumes and something for you to wear to the neighbourhood Halloween blowout. This year, why not look into a cool canine costume for the family pooch. Every...
How a dog vocalises is important: Pitch - low pitch tends to be aggression or to indicate a threat. High pitch generally means they are asking to be allowed closer or that it's safe to approach Duration - longer duration generally means that the dog has made...
If your dog's ears are pointed up when the dog is on alert or curious about something. If the dog's ears are dropped they are either nervous or happy and you will have to read other signs. If a dog's tail is moving stiffly side to side...
Pets make amazing companions. They are great aids to people with mental health disorders, physical disabilities, and recovering from addiction. According to NBC News, pets can help people who have anxiety and depression, especially people who used to self-medicate with alcohol and drugs. Here’s a checklist...
If your dog's ears are back gently and this is accompanied by a wagging tail then the dog is feeling friendly. If the dog's ears are pinned back this is the dog feeling scared. A dog's tail wagging is not always a sign of happiness - only...